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Steven Tarchala Recognized Federal Health Insurance Marketplace Circle of Champions 2022
Leavenworth, KS – Steven Tarchala, an agent of Financial Strategies Inc. has joined the 2022 Marketplace Elite Circle of Champions as an Elite member, after successfully enrolling more than 100 consumers in qualified coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace®.
This Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) award for agents and brokers who assist more than 100 consumers during the Open Enrollment Period recognizes Steven Tarchala for dedication, expertise, and service.
“Helping 100 consumers during the Open Enrollment Period is a great achievement,” said Ellen Montz, Director of the Center for Consumer Information & Insurance Oversight within CMS, which oversees the Marketplace. “We thank Steven Tarchala for providing his trusted advice and exceptional service to help expand access to health insurance coverage in communities across America.
This year’s Open Enrollment Period for applying for Marketplace coverage runs Nov. 1–Jan. 15, 2022. Consumers with questions about their coverage or who would like help enrolling can contact Steven Tarchala at 913-758-4411.
What is the Marketplace Circle of Champions?
To commemorate the hard work and commitment of agents and brokers, CMS created the Marketplace Circle of Champions program which provides special recognition to agents and brokers who have actively enrolled 20 or more consumers to demonstrate their expertise and experience in helping consumers find health coverage.
Each year, the Marketplace Circle of Champions program recognizes thousands of agents and brokers across America—highlighting their hard work, expertise, and service. Whether they’re helping individuals complete an application, select a plan, or manage coverage, agents and brokers play a critical role in the success of the Health Insurance Marketplace®.
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Did you miss the healthcare annual enrollment deadline? Are you planning an international trip? Have you started a new job but don’t have health..
Thanks for your six years of service to FSI. It is a pleasure to work with you. Thanks on behalf of all of our staff and our clients!

Happy (Financial) Independence Day! Remember to keep your fire extinguishers handy, we don’t want any fire claims this weekend..

Dec 2
Financial Strategies Inc named Best Insurance Company and Best Investment Firm by the Leavenworth Times!

Steven Tarchala Recognized as Federal Health Insurance Marketplace Champion 2020
Leavenworth, KS – Steven Tarchala, an agent of Financial Strategies Inc. has been recognized for his hard work and expertise in helping consumers enroll in and manage qualified health coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace. He has qualified each year of this award. This nationwide recognition from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) as a member of the 2020 Marketplace Circle of Champions highlights Financial Strategies Inc.’s success in enrolling 20 or more consumers during this Open Enrollment Period. Consumers turn to agents and brokers for trusted advice and guidance in selecting plans, enrolling in coverage, and managing their health insurance policies throughout the year,” said Randy Pate, Director of Center for Consumer Information & Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) operation within CMS, which oversees the Marketplace. “We thank Steven Tarchala and Financial Strategies for their hard work and exceptional service in helping Americans get coverage.” The Marketplace Circle of Champions program recognizes the hard work, expertise and service of Marketplace-registered agents and brokers. Agents and brokers who assist 20 or more consumers qualify for the Marketplace Circle of Champions. Eligible consumers can enroll in Marketplace coverage during this year’s Open Enrollment Period, which runs November 1 – December 15, 2019. Consumers with questions about their coverage or who would like help enrolling, can contact Steven Tarchala at (913)758-4411.
Apr 22
FSI is pleased to announce the addition of Nationwide-Allied Insurance to our comprehensive portfolio of insurance providers. We continually strive to improve!
May 21
A million bucks isn't what it used to be! The benchmark of wealth in the 1960s would require $8.5 million today. You should still have a goal to save up $1mm, not so you will be wealthy (the 1% average $8.5mm) but so you can AFFORD to retire one day. Never fear, our advisors are here to show you how it can be easy when you have a plan.
$1M is not what it used to be
When it comes to living comfortably in retirement, that target symbol of wealth is past its prime. How far will $1 million go when Millennials reach retirement age?
May 7
Is employer sponsored health insurance an endangered species? For small businesses, it is already going extinct. For large employers, they have some serious considerations to weigh but it is cheaper to pay penalties than to pay for their employees health insurance. Check out this NY Times article to see more about why we think so.
Envisioning the End of Employer-Provided Health Plans
A new study finds the new health care law could create big savings for companies.
Mar 31
Prior to The Affordable Care Act, there were 47 Million Uninsured in America, now there are 41 Million Americans without health insurance! Six million people purchased insurance successfully through the Marketplace as of the 24th of March. The deadline is today but no one is getting through the website since you can't even login to a created account or you can leave a number with the Marketplace for them to callback "sometime after April 1st", according to the phone message. The bad news is this program is becoming a typical federal initiative, overpriced and under-effective; all of this for a 13% reduction in uninsured Americans! The good news is, FSI can help with professional advice and guidance!
Nov 12
This is a brief but highly informative article from the head buyer of bonds in the first round of Quantitative Easing by the Fed Reserve Bank. He readily acknowledges his concern that this policy is only good for Wall Street and Mega Banks, the same ones who caused the mess in the first place! I will give you one guess who will be left holding the bag when the bubble bursts this time. Fill in the blank: ______ Street
Andrew Huszar: Confessions of a Quantitative Easer
In The Wall Street Journal, Andrew Huszar writes that the Fed went on a bond-buying spree that was supposed to help Main Street. Instead, it was a feast for Wall Street